Bob Whitehill began his career at Pixar Animation Studios in April 2004. Brought on as a Layout Artist on the Golden Globe winning Cars, he continued in this role on Pixar"s animated short film Lifted, and the Academy Award winning feature WALL-E. Whitehill served as Layout Supervisor for Mater and Ghostlight and three Cars Toons, Rescue Squad Mater, El Materdor and Mater the Greater. Currently, Whitehill is working as Stereoscopic Supervisor on the 3D production of Disney Pixar"s feature film Toy Story 3. He worked as the Stereoscopic Supervisor on Disney Pixar"s recently released feature film Up and on the remastering of the original Toy Story and Toy Story 2 in 3D. Prior to joining Pixar, Whitehill worked as a Layout Artist and Supervisor at PDI/Dreamworks on various projects including Antz, Shrek and Shrek 2. One of Whitehill"s earliest influences in 3D work was Peter Anderson, a 30-year veteran of 3D-filmmaking. Whitehill worked with Anderson on the Universal Studios theme park attraction, Shrek 4D. John Lasseter"s passion for and interest in 3D has also been a great influence on Whitehill"s creative use of 3D in Pixar"s films.